“This is what healing looks like:

blooming / reaching towards the light /
falling into the sunset / ripping wings off
and watching as they regrow / holding
a paintbrush between teeth and painting
the trees a glowing, hazy pink.

And this is what healing looks like:
nails painted with the ocean’s foam /
laughter like chocolate / a baby opening
its eyes for the first time / the little hiccup
when someone crying really hard stops /
the watery smile after the last tear.

And this is what healing looks like:
purple / twined vines & stitched hearts /
hands clutching / a plane landing / sky
scrapers / paper cuts healing / the
smell of hospitals / reaching out to
touch the stars /

leaving the stars alone because there is
enough wonder down here anyway /
because there is enough wonder in just
you alone anyway.”

Darshana Suresh

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